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Rights groups welcome de Lima’s acquittal

Rights groups welcome de Lima’s acquittal

14 hours ago Preda Foundation Inc.
Rights groups welcome de Lima’s acquittal Human rights organizations welcomed the dismissal of the last of the drug charges aga…
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14 hours agoRights groups welcome de Lima’s acquittal
Philippine diocese launches Rosary prayer campaign against China

Philippine diocese launches Rosary prayer campaign against China

14 hours ago Preda Foundation Inc.
Philippine diocese launches Rosary prayer campaign against China The Catholic Church in Lingayen-Dagupan, north of Manila, has…
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14 hours agoPhilippine diocese launches Rosary prayer campaign against China
Pope Francis fields questions from students about gender identity and LGBTQ discrimination

Pope Francis fields questions from students about gender identity…

15 hours ago Preda Foundation Inc.
Pope Francis fields questions from students about gender identity and LGBTQ discrimination Pope Francis participated in a live…
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15 hours agoPope Francis fields questions from students about gender identity…
Groups seek justice for IP student killed in a military operation

Groups seek justice for IP student killed in a military operation

3 days ago Preda Foundation Inc.
Groups seek justice for IP student killed in a military operation Several human rights groups condemned the extra-judicial kill…
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3 days agoGroups seek justice for IP student killed in a military operation
[Edgewise] Authoritarian mass delusion puts US democracy at risk

[Edgewise] Authoritarian mass delusion puts US democracy at risk

3 days ago Preda Foundation Inc.
[Edgewise] Authoritarian mass delusion puts US democracy at risk Fear of the historical Adolf shape-shifting into the contempor…
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3 days ago[Edgewise] Authoritarian mass delusion puts US democracy at risk

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